Trap Shooting

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Trap Shooting

Trap shooting is a type of clay target shooting for sport. In trap shooting, the shooter uses a shotgun to aim at a 4-inch clay disk moving through the air, meant to simulate the flight path of a bird. It is a competitive sport that dates back to the late 1800s and is enjoyed by people of all ages, all around the world.

CYO’s Unique Trap Shooting Program

CYO teaches the basics of trap shooting to teens and adults as a way of bonding and developing confidence together. Though it involves a shotgun, trap shooting can be thought of as a relaxing and focused past-time that teens and adults both enjoy. Trap shooting is often confused with skeet shooting, which is another method of shooting clays. Skeet has different rules, more stations, and often involves multiple clays in the air at one time. In general, trap shooting is easier to learn because of its simpler rules and fewer flying disks.

CYO Fort Collins has a 5-house trap range on campus where teens and adults enjoy learning the rules and techniques to safely enjoy trap shooting. CYO Colorado Springs hosts trap shooting classes at Cheyenne Mountain Shooting Complex.

CYO’s 3-week trap shooting curriculum:

Week 1 will primarily cover safety aspects of shooting on a range. This includes range protocols, firearm components, MAST (muzzle, action, safety, trigger) and the 7 S’s (safety, stance, shoulder, sight, sync, shoot, swing). 

Week 2 will involve a safety review and practical exercises. You will practice and receive individual instruction. 

Week 3 will conclude the class with a shooting session and instructions on how to clean and maintain shotguns.