CYO’s CORE class – Fort Collins
Set down your cell phones and come have some fun together at CYO!
CORE class exists to build and strengthen the relationship between an adult and their teenager.
We hope you’ll create a life-long hobby – but we know you’ll leave with a better relationship with each other.
Learn More about CORECYO in Colorado Springs
Wednesday/Thursday nights are the best part of the week once you’re in with CYO in CoS!
We teach a blend of outdoor activities — trap shooting, archery, fly tying, survival & shooting small bore — at our partner locations.
CORE class exists to build and strengthen the relationship between an adult and their teenager. It also tends to build confidence, camaraderie, friendly competition and joy to your life.
We can’t wait to spend time with you at CYO CORE!
Colorado Springs CORE

Summer Camp – Fort Collins
Here’s what summer is all about!
CYO campers trek all over our 220-acre campus: shooting archery, spin & fly fishing, shooting BB guns, canoeing . . . it’s the ultimate summer break.
The week-long camp culminates in a picnic lunch with parents — and time spent with your child teaching you what they learned all week.
Summer Camp Info

Field Trips & Corporate Team Building – Fort Collins
If you’re a school group looking for a field trip or business pro looking to do some team building, here’s your page!
Learn about all we have to offer and how you sign up.
CYO provides the instructors, the equipment, and the location to spend quality time together outside. You’re gonna have a whale of a time!
Field Trips & TEam building

Intermediate CORE – Fort Collins
Colorado Youth Outdoors intermediate CORE classes take a deeper dive into your favorite activity from CORE class. We offer each intermediate class once a year to 10 adult/teen pairs.
Intermediate CORE