What Makes CORE Time Well Spent?

“Bottom line of CORE: the foundation of PACD is phenomenal. Participate, Appreciate, Communicate, Dedicate. If you can teach every kid that foundation, they will carry it through their lives.”

Michelle Leschinsky spent 20 years as a Fort Collins Police Officer specializing in youth. 12 of those years were spent in schools. If she’s got an opinion on what might help kids, it’s worth hearing her out! 

In the past, she would refer clients to Colorado Youth Outdoors. This past spring, she signed up 4 members of her own family. 

“Our family is huge. My parents, 8 kids, and an ump-load of grandkids. 33 of us, when we all get together. And we all live within 15 minutes of my parents. Having such a huge family, it’s hard for my daughter Aristea to get time alone with her grandpa Dave.  I just wanted quality time for the two of them.” 

The gift of CORE went under the tree for Grandpa Dave and Aristea. But Michelle wasn’t done yet. She gave the class as a Christmas gift to her brother Shawn and his daughter Addy, with the goal of quality time for them.

And so, Dave, Shawn, Addy & Aristea all showed up together to our spring of 2022 CORE class.  

How’d it go? They did, in fact, cherish their time together.  Shawn & Addy usually went out for ice cream together afterwards, to extend the evening. Aristea talks about the memories she created with her grandpa — and she can now hang with her fanatical hunting uncles. CORE is discussed at family gatherings; the funny stories, the lessons learned. Time well spent, for sure. But Michelle is not done with the story. 

Everyone in the Leschinsky family has struggled with school. Taking tests, reading manuals – it’s not their thing.  CORE is not a theoretical program. It’s a hands-on, go-do-the-thing type of class. Yes, the instructors spend time talking about PACD . . . and then reiterate the point while you’re out in nature, doing the day’s activity.  Participation, Appreciation, Communication, and Dedication are concepts subtly cemented into your brain while everyone is busy playing.  

For the Leschinskys, CYO’s CORE class was about cherished family memories alongside life-long lessons.  What could it be for you?  Sign up here for spring of 2023!