
2023 Summer Camp – That’s a Wrap!

When school is out that means it’s summer, which also means camps for kids. Many get to enjoy the CYO Summer Camp.

When the summer closes, the CYO Summer Camp always leaves us wiped out and filthy — with a smile on our face.  We hope the kids feel the same!

A lot of milestones were made over the past couple of months. 320 kids are the most we’ve ever hosted. Here is a summer camp wrap up.

What does it take to pull off 6 weeks of summer camp?

Our accountant is constantly shaking her head at some of what took place.

There was that emergency purchase of 20 cans of bug spray to keep away mosquitoes and other flying pests. It is hard to remember now, but June was wet!

CYO sunglasses purchased: 400 (essential for safety — oh, and the sun, too)

800 Otter Pops consumed

1,920 bottles of water

#’s are still out on S’mores, and probably not accurate due to the sneaking of Hershey bars by office staff

Each week, camp culminates in a family picnic:

1200 hamburgers and hot dogs grilled by our volunteer Sportsmen (every Friday, they had 1-3 hot dogs to spare. That’s planning!)

12  64oz jars of pickles

Not sure how many bottles of ketchup, but they all have one inch left at the bottom.

Summer Staff

We have 4 instructors and 4 junior staff exclusively for summer camp.  These guys and gals see 50 kids getting out of cars in the morning and get excited.

# of safety talks given: 8,270,676. . . .make that 8,270,677. . . literally all day long, every day!

We average 310 staff hours each week, which works out to 1,860 total summer staff hours.  Can’t say what they’re spending their income on (fishing poles), as there’s probably an HR rule (lures) . . . and that’s a whole different blog post.











We hope you enjoyed this summer camp wrap up.