
Our High Esteem for Old Farts – Meet CYO’s Sportsmen

They collectively call themselves the Old Farts, but they operate more like magical fairies, spreading fix-it pixie dust everywhere they tread.  Meet the Sportsmen, CYO’s band of retired guys who meet once a week on Tuesday mornings. 

Coffee is made (Black Rifle, supporting former military, the preferred brand), a crock pot plugged in.  The group comes to order . . . and the CYO staff filters through with asks for assistance.  17 total asks for help one recent Tuesday! The guys discuss elements of CYO’s goings-on, they give each other kudos. The meeting runs over, they reluctantly adjourn, and half the guys head out to ‘do something productive’ on our property.

Whether that is cutting grass or cooking lunch for 138 (plus or minus 20), these are our men.  When we need to organize and clean 35 shotguns or 112 spin fishing rods, these guys step up. Parking for 200 in 80 spots – there’s a guy who can turn the parking lot into a Tetris game. Any given need on 220 acres with 12 ponds . . . believe me, some crazy things come up. Each crazy thing is assessed, discussed, and taken on by our Sportsmen. 

These 30 gentleman volunteer an estimated 3,740 hours each year, which translates to $107,000 worth of work.  

Brian Chavet is a prime example of the work ethic of the Sportsmen. Chavet manages the Hunters Ed Internet Conclusion Course at CYO. This program, run by Colorado Parks and Wildlife, is required before one can obtain a hunting permit. It’s not a money-making program for CYO; Chavet makes it happen because CYO has a great facility for the class and it’s the right thing to do.  

In addition, he teaches CORE programming 3+ hours a week AND has taken on gun maintenance. He refurbishes 12+ guns on any given year, and now re-sights all of them.  A seasoned pro will recognize when a gun sight isn’t working correctly – but CYO shotguns are mostly used by novices. It’s critical to their success & enjoyment that our guns shoot accurately. 

“Volunteerism out here is so critical,” says Chavet. “These guys come back every week because they believe in the CYO mission.  Every one of us believes we make CYO a success.” 

It is the staff’s dream that someday a woman will consistently come to the Old Farts meetings, and the group will be forced to call themselves something more decent.  Sportsfolk, perhaps.  Until then, thank you to all the Old Farts for all the things you do around CYO.  You are the magic fairy dust that makes this place run!

Interested in joining the CYO Sportsmen?  Fill out our volunteer form & be sure to click ‘Sportsmen.’ Alternatively, call Chris Woodward at 970-663-0800 with your questions about the group.