
2022 – CYO’s Biggest Year Yet

Our campus feels quiet after hosting the 7000+ vehicles that travelled through NoCo Winter Wonderland this past month. 

The geese honk in the distance, snow crushes underfoot, a small breeze creates a tinkling of Christmas lights in the trees. Santa, Mrs Claus and the elves have gone dark, but the job of taking them down is one for January. This week is for reflection.  

CYO – 2022 quick facts:Teen and her mentor practicing archery

  • 550 people through our CORE class in 2022; we added a during-the-day class and summer CORE programming.
  • 52+ partner groups (school programs & other organizations) learning traditional outdoor recreation through our programming
  • More volunteers working on our property than ever before — our Sportsmen alone contributed almost 4,600 hours.
  • Each of our fundraisers – The Maverick, Holes & Hops, The Scoot, and NoCo Winter Wonderland – raised more money than any previous year. We added a 5th event – a 3D Archery shoot on the CYO grounds in August.  

We’re proud to say there’s a lot to be thankful for at Colorado Youth Outdoors. 

Casting for Pro Staff

CYO Pro Staff August 2022
8 members of CYO’s Pro Staff, August 2022

As we plan for 2023, our large hurdle is finding and training quality staff. We have a fantastic team of Pro Staff leading our CORE classes, partner programs, and summer camps. These guys and gals make the CYO experience special for Northern Colorado families. Each member of our Pro Staff team is a treasure, we just need more of them!

The Pro Staff instructor is a special breed. Passionate about outdoor adventure, enjoys sharing knowledge with others, and has the ability to do so extremely part time. The knowledge can be taught; the  joy of sharing it with others comes from the heart.

If you know of someone who’d enjoy teaching outside one evening or afternoon a week, please reach out to Courtney Strouse at CYO.