Set in Stone
Set in Stone is a fun and unique way to show your ongoing support of the CYO mission.
Stones are engraved with words, phrases and/or images. We place your stone on the Legacy Walkway within 2 weeks of the approved artwork. When possible, we celebrate your support with a photo and have you choose your spot!
The Legacy Walkway sits behind Richardson Hall (Richardson Hall contains CYO’s office and three classrooms). The walkway leads guests to CYO’s shooting range. The walkway also operates as a picnic area and our outdoor classroom three seasons of the year.
Your stone showcases your support of CYO — and gives CYO a step up building relationships within one more family.
Please contact Sara Mickelson, CYO Development Director, for more information at: or (970)663-0800.
Set in Stone Options
1 ft x 1ft stone
or $75/month for 24 months
We will help design your 1×1 stone with words and images.
2ft x 2ft stone
or $200/month for 24 months
We will help design your 2×2 stone with words and images.
Bench Stone
or $415/month for 24 months
Bench Stones line CYO’s Legacy Walkway. It’s your legacy — and a great place to eat lunch!