Fort Collins Instructors

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Fort Collins Instructors

This ragtag group lives to be doing things outside, they find great joy in teaching, and we’re thankful they have chosen CYO to be their outlet. If our office staff and board of directors are the frame of the CYO bow, this gang is the flexible string. Who’s the arrow? Why, it’s you, little grasshopper!

Colorado Youth Outdoors is incredibly fortunate to call these passionate folks part of our staff.

CYO’s Office staff Colorado Springs Instructors
Mike Alexander

Mike Alexander

Mike’s dad wrote the book on fly fishing. We can only assume Mike learned by osmosis — there’s a ton of knowledge in this guy’s head!

Mike Adams

Don’t get Mike started on his Whopper Flopper. He’s also well known for having a kid in his backpack while hunting elk. Is it good luck?

Ken Brink

Ken Brink

Ken has a passion for fly fishing. He likes other things, too – but frankly, you’ll mostly hear about fly fishing. Read more about Ken on our blog.

Alex Brown

This girl loves fish. Bugs too! She teaches entomology at Front Range Community College while she’s getting a PhD in aquatic toxicology.

Brian Chaves

Brian Chavet

Gun expert, teaches Hunter Ed, used to own Elkhorn Fly Fishing in Loveland, we hear he can play guitar. There’s nothing this guy can’t do.

Kyra Dart

The boss of bandaids. First aid fanatic. Captain Caregiver. Kyra is a CYO instructor AND goes to nursing school.

Brian Fales

Brian Fales

Brain cherishes the opportunity to teach the next generation the values he learned as a child. When he’s not at CYO, he’s running his own sign company.

Lane Guerin

Lance Guerin

Besides looking like Indiana Jones, Lance has traveled the world searching for the holy grail . . . of bowhunting.

Robb Harris

Robb Harris

Robb is a former CORE participant — he took both his boys through the program, then decided he wasn’t done yet. Look out for his one-liners.

Aimee Ledall

Aimee Ledall

Aimee works from home during the day and enjoys coming out to CYO to talk to people. Pro tip: do not mess with Aimee’s sourdough timer.

Hayden Lenderink

Hayden Lenderink

Jack of all trades — and master of a lot of them. This guy can skin a raccoon while fixing the office internet.

Johnny Manago

Johnny Manago

A former fly-fishing guide, Johnny can teach you all you wanna know about fly fishing. But we keep him around for our other outdoor activities. Keep smiling, Johnny!

Shawn Radis

Shawn Radis

Shawn is a middle school math teacher by day, an ice fisherman all winter, hunter in the fall. . . and still manages to give CYO a few hours each week.

Mark Rankin

Mark Rankin

Mark is ‘CYO-famous’ for his pickle brine contributions at Game Feast. He’s a legend to the office staff for the time he climbed a tower to fix the internet.

Chad Ruff

Chad Ruff

A.K.A. The Frugal Fly Tyer. We have purists on our instructor staff — Chad isn’t one of them. He’ll save the world with duct tape and a bottle cap!

Larry Sandford

Larry Sanford

When Larry starts telling a story, lean in! He inspires all of us. He’s also President of a great organization called Outdoor Buddies. (pictured with his wife, Penelope)

Russ McAbee

Russ McAbee

Russ became a CYO instructor after his participation in CORE class changed the way he approached life. Ask him about it – you’ll hear a great story.

John Smith

John Smith

Pirate John is here for the same reasons you are — he’s all about relationships! He loves talking with participants, volunteers, and all the folks coming to CYO.

John Meeker

John’s day job: elementary school PE teacher. At CYO, he brings elementary school energy and we all love him for it!

Shane Sparks

Shane Sparks

Shane is a retired banker . . . but we hear he likes to sing. Ten points if you can get him to do it!

Cody Tropser

Cody Tropser

We appreciate Cody’s willingness to volunteer for almost anything.

Calvin Warren

Calvin Warren

Calvin can touch his nose with his finger, runs the 40 in 4 hours and 40 seconds, and has survived several plane crashes. That must be why we call him Crash!

Linn Young

Linn coaches Junior Olympic Archery. When she pulls back her bow — pay attention!

Cody Jeanneret

Cody is a business owner, outdoors fanatic, and the guy who’s always up for learning a new skill. Nothing beats tackling new experiences and coming out grinning – preferably with all fingers intact!

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New Guy or Gal

(This could be you! Read more about becoming a CYO Instructor)

Thank you CYO Partners

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New Guy or Gal

(This could be you! Read more about becoming a CYO Instructor)

Thank you CYO Partners