Fall 2024 CORE

Home » Fall 2024 CORE

Have fun while building the relationship with your teen! Sign up below.

August 8 – November 5

You’ll be building your relationship while our instructors teach spin fishing or fly fishing (your choice), archery, survival and trap shooting during this 14-week semester.

We offer CORE at the following times:

Tuesday (homeschool friendly) 10am-12pm

Tuesday eve 5:30-7:30pm

Wednesday eve 5:30-7:30pm

Thursday eve 5:30-7:30pm

Thursday August 8th, 5:30p – required orientation

Weeks of Aug12- Aug 26: fishing

Weeks of Sept 2- Sept 16: archery

Weeks 0f Sept 23- Oct 7: outdoor survival skills

Weeks of Oct 14 – Oct 28: trap shooting

Tuesday, November 5th, 5:30p – game feast

Tuesday Day CORE 10am-noon sign Up Tueday Eve CORE 5:30pm-7:30pm SIgn Up WEdnesday Eve 5:30pm-7:30pm CORE SIGN UP Thursday eve 5:30pm-7:30pm CORE Sign up

CORE costs $300/pair for 12 weeks of instruction. If the cost of CYO’s programming prevents you from attending, please complete our scholarship form:

Scholarship Request