Colorado Springs Instructors

Home » Colorado Springs Instructors

Colorado Springs Instructors

This gang lives to be doing things outside, they all find great joy in teaching, and we’re thankful they have chosen CYO to be their outlet. If our office staff and board of directors are the frame of a bow, this gang is the flexible string. Who’s the arrow? Why, it’s you, little grasshopper! 

Colorado Youth Outdoors is incredibly fortunate to call these passionate folks part of our staff.

CYO OFFICE staff Fort Collins Instructors
Tony Abler

Tony Abler

Tom Thieme

Tom Thieme

Troy Hutchinson

Troy Hutchinson

Brad Simmons

Brad Simmons

Chris Sperling

Chris Sperling

Amber Thomas

Amber Thomas

Corey Adler

Corey Adler

Thank you CYO Partners