About Us

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Colorado Youth Outdoors exists to build healthy relationships.  

How do we hit our target?

It starts with 220 acres of natural area where we teach. It continues through our passionate instructors and our PACD teaching model.

To us, our support staff is the frame of your bow. Our instructors, the flexible & infinitely strong string. And the arrow, flying solidly towards a target? Why, that’s you!

The CYO Mission

At CYO, we build relationships between youth, their parents, and their communities through traditional outdoor recreation.

Yes, we teach archery, fishing and shooting sports — but that’s not why we’re here. We believe time spent together outside combined with our PACD toolkit makes relationships grow!

Learn about CYO’s Teaching Toolkit: PACD

Over years of teaching, CYO has produced a toolkit of words to talk about your relationship: Participate, Appreciate, Communicate & Dedicate.

We aren’t therapists. We aren’t scientists. But we’ve seen our conversations in action, and we think they’ll add another bow to your quiver.

Learn more about the four words in CYO’s PACD Teaching Model in combination with two hours a week spent in the outdoors together.

Here’s our fancy math: PACD + time spent together = Where Relationships Grow!

Meet our staff

If CYO were a bow, our office support staff would be the frame. The frame of a bow keeps all parts in balance to ensure stability.

Our instructors are the flexible string, generating power so the arrow can fly.

Who’s the arrow? Why, it’s you, little grasshopper!

Office Staff Fort collins Instructors Colorado Springs Instructors

A bit of CYO history

The history of Colorado Youth Outdoors is a tale of two stories merging together: The Hewson brother’s belief in building relationships through outdoor education, and the Swift Ponds property.

Learn more

CYO is proud to introduce folks to outdoor recreation while helping build their relationships.

CYO participants in 2025 (so far!)


CYO participants in 2024


CYO participants since 2001


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