CYO exists to build healthy relationships.
CYO teaches archery, fishing & shooting sports — but that’s not why we’re here.
Our teaching toolkit (PACD) is our method to get folks talking to one another. Creating a space for meaningful conversation and time spent together are the keys to fulfilling CYO’s mission.
We aren’t therapists. We aren’t scientists. But we’ve seen our conversations in action, and we think they’ll add another arrow to your quiver.
Click below to learn more about each of the four words in CYO’s PACD Teaching Model.
Our PACD model pairs with time spent together out-of-doors.
Studies have come out in the past few years that say spending time outside improves your mental health.
Not front page news to us — we’re all better people when we’re outside enjoying nature. But we’ll jump on the bandwagon!
The Colorado state government recommends a ‘Outdoor Rx’ of two hours a week. Exactly the time frame of CYO’s CORE class.
Two hours a week in the outdoors has been shown to:
- reduce stress
- Overall mental health
- lower cardiovascular risk
- improve well-being
- decrease anxiety & depression
- increased creativity
- more social connectedness & interconnectedness with the natural world.
Here are abstracts of two studies on the topic.
Improving Adolescent Mental Health Mental health benefits of Nature-based Recreation