
Welcome two new full-time members of our programming staff!

Joelle Holtman – Programming Manager (starting full time February 2024)

Joelle grew up on a ranch in Eastern Colorado (you haven’t heard of it. Try me? Okay. Kirk). She graduated from Cornell College with a degree in Biology. To escape the Iowa cold, she took a job teaching Outdoor Education at a YMCA in Texas. Next, the Fort Worth Nature Refuge — taking care of animals (even snakes!), trail maintenance, and helped with summer camps while educating folks about the native Texas prairie. From there, she had a stint at the Dallas YMCA, focusing on father/child bonding activities. Back to Colorado, she helped on the family ranch, worked for the USDA communicating between ranchers and scientists, and most recently had a gig at the Larimer County Boys and Girls Club as Program Coordinator & Assistant Club Director.

In December, Joelle received her Masters in Conservation Biology with emphasis in the Human Dimension (we hope that all fits on a certificate). Her life goal is communicating between ‘experts’ and the general public.

Joelle’s goal at CYO is intentional programming. Imagine a written curriculum and a formal training system.  Sound big? Well, the title on her desk is ‘Conductor of Miracles.’

Alexis Jaques – Programming Coordinator (started January 2024)

Alexis grew up right here! She attended CORE with her dad when she was in high school (Front Range Baptist Academy), volunteered and worked at CYO summer camp, and became CYO Pro Staff as soon as she was eligible (2020).  Alexis was working as a dental assistant when a full-time coordinator position opened at CYO. . . and she jumped!

“For many years, CYO has been my favorite place to be. The people here have pushed me to grow and been super impactful in my life. This is a great environment and I’m so happy to be here full time!” states Alexis.

Alexis’s desk holds the title ‘Meticulous Organizer,’ and the dust in the office (if there was any left) would agree.

Take a minute to get to know Joelle & Alexis in our speed round of cutting edge journalism, where we dive in and ask the hard questions: